Step 1: Visit the website and choose the desired food items to purchase
Step 2: Click on the product you want to buy, and a pop-up screen will appear with the following options
If you want to continue shopping: Click on "Continue Shopping" to choose additional products to add to your cart
If you want to view your cart to update products: Click on "View Cart"
If you want to place an order and proceed to payment for this product, please click on: "Place Order and Pay"
Step 3: Choose payment account information
If you already have an account, please enter your login information (email and password) in the "Already have an account" section
If you do not have an account and want to register, please fill in your personal information to continue the registration process. Having an account will make it easier to track your orders
If you want to make a purchase without creating an account, please click on the "Guest Checkout" option
Step 4: Enter your details to receive the order, choose the payment method, and shipping for your order
Step 5: Review the order information, add any comments, and submit the order
After receiving your order, we will contact you by phone to confirm the order and your address.
Thank you for choosing us.